Dr. Scholl's Custom Fit Orthotics Center is designed to identify areas of your foot that experience the most pressure, then recommend an orthotic based on this analysis. This product utilizes Tekscan's pressure mapping technology to assess plantar pressure.
shào绍ěr尔bó博shì士de的dìng定zhì制jiǎo矫xíng形zhōng中xīn心de的mù目dì的shì是què确dìng定nǐ你de的jiǎo脚zhè这fāng方miàn面de的jīng经yàn验 ,zuì最yǒu有yā压lì力de的 ,rán然hòu后tuī推jiàn荐jī基yú于zhè这zhǒng种fēn分xī析jiào校zhèng正 。běn本chǎn产pǐn品lì利yòng用 T e k s c a nyā压lì力yìng映shè射jì技shù术lái来píng评gū估zú足dǐ底yā压lì力 。
Pressure Sensing Technology in Dr. Scholl's® Custom Fit™ Orthotics Kiosks
zài在shào绍ěr尔bó博shì士de的 ®dìng定zhì制shì适hé合 ™jiǎo矫xíng形qì器tíng亭yā压lì力chuán传gǎn感jì技shù术
The Challenge: Dr. Scholl's® (Bayer HealthCare LLC ) wanted to implement a technology that would help customers select the appropriate foot orthotics based on their unique foot pattern, support, and cushioning needs.
tiǎo挑zhàn战 :shào绍ěr尔bó博shì士de的 ® (bài拜ěr耳yī医yào药bǎo保jiàn健yǒu有xiàn限zé责rèn任gōng公sī司 )xiǎng想yào要shí实xiàn现de的jì技shù术 ,jiāng将bāng帮zhù助kè客hù户xuǎn选zé择jī基yú于qí其dú独tè特de的jiǎo脚xíng型 ,shì适dàng当de的zú足bù部fǔ辅jù具de的zhī支chí持 ,hé和huǎn缓chōng冲de的xū需qiú求 。
Dr. Scholl's Custom Fit KioskThe Solution: Schering-Plough Health Care Products (now a part of Bayer HealthCare LLC ) partnered with Tekscan, Inc. to develop a revolutionary new system designed to assess your feet and recommend the optimal Dr. Scholl's Custom Fit™ Orthotic for consumers looking to add more cushioning and support to their footwear. The Dr. Scholl's Custom Fit Orthotics system uses the patented science of Tekscan's pressure sensing technology along with custom developed software and sophisticated algorithms to recommend a perfect fit.
shào绍ěr尔bó博shì士de的dìng定zhì制shì适hé合 k i o s k t h ejiě解 :xiān先líng灵bǎo葆yǎ雅gōng公sī司bǎo保jiàn健pǐn品 (xiàn现zài在de的bài拜ěr耳yī医yào药bǎo保jiàn健yǒu有xiàn限gōng公sī司de的yī一bù部fen分 )yǔ与 T e k s c a n ,gōng公sī司kāi开fā发de的yī一gè个gé革mìng命xìng性de的xīn新de的xì系tǒng统shè设jì计lái来píng评gū估nǐ你de的jiǎo脚bìng并tuī推jiàn荐zuì最jiā佳shào绍ěr尔bó博shì士de的dìng定zhì制shì适hé合 ™jiǎo矫xíng形wèi为xiāo消fèi费zhě者xún寻qiú求zēng增jiā加gèng更duō多de的huǎn缓chōng冲hé和zhī支chí持tā他men们de的xié鞋lèi类 。de的shào绍ěr尔bó博shì士de的dìng定zhì制jiǎo矫xíng形qì器xì系tǒng统shǐ使yòng用 T e k s c a nyā压lì力chuán传gǎn感jì技shù术de的zhuān专lì利kē科jì技yǐ以jí及dìng定zhì制kāi开fā发de的ruǎn软jiàn件hé和fù复zá杂de的suàn算fǎ法tuī推jiàn荐de的wán完měi美qì契hé合 。
The consumer simply takes off their shoes, steps up to the kiosk and onto the Tekscan sensing platform. The software walks them through a process and within seconds, they receive a Dr. Scholl's Custom Fit Orthotic recommendation based on their foot pressure pattern, arch type, and foot length. The orthotic, designed with special cushioning and support layers, offloads high pressure areas with support and comfort in mind.
消费者只需要脱鞋,走到亭上Tekscan传感平台。软件走他们通过过程和在几秒钟内,他们收到绍尔博士的定制适合矫正推荐基于他们的足底压力型、拱型、和脚的长度。矫形,设计了特殊的缓冲和支撑层,消除高压区在心里支持和安慰。 |